Deep Background Investigations for High-Stakes Positions

Trust. Verify. Protect.

When hiring for critical roles, the stakes are too high to rely on surface-level background checks. Pilum Defense Agency specializes in deep background investigations, providing businesses and government agencies with comprehensive intelligence on candidates under consideration for executive, legal, and security-sensitive positions.

With a proven track record assisting CEOs, Boards of Directors, Law Firms, Government Agencies, and Private Sector Organizations, we ensure that every potential hire meets the highest standards of integrity, credibility, and security. Our investigations go beyond the basics, delivering legally vetted documentation that withstands scrutiny.

Why Choose Pilum Defense Agency?

Unmatched Expertise & Discretion

Our investigative professionals include former law enforcement officers, intelligence analysts, and security experts who understand the nuances of high-stakes hiring. Every investigation is conducted discreetly, ensuring privacy while uncovering essential details.

Legal-Grade Documentation

We provide thorough, legally defensible reports that hold up in regulatory reviews and legal proceedings. Our meticulous verification process ensures the accuracy and reliability of every detail uncovered.

Beyond Standard Background Checks

Most background checks only scratch the surface, covering employment history, references, and criminal records. Pilum Defense Agency delivers deeper insights, including:
  • Financial Integrity – Undisclosed liabilities, tax issues, and financial risks
  • Litigation History – Civil lawsuits, arbitration, and potential conflicts of interest
  • Professional & Personal Reputation – Unverified credentials, ethical concerns, and undisclosed affiliations
  • Digital Footprint Analysis – Social media, online activity, and reputational risks
  • International Vetting – Global sanctions, travel history, and foreign ties

Who We Serve.

Corporate Leadership & Boards

Protect your company’s reputation and operations by ensuring top executives and board members have the credibility and integrity necessary for leadership

Law Firms & Legal Investigations

Assess clients, partners, and potential hires with investigative due diligence that mitigates risk and safeguards legal interests.

Private Sector & High-Value Contracts

Prevent fraud, conflicts of interest, and undisclosed affiliations before finalizing high-value contracts or engaging in strategic partnerships.

Secure Your Organization’s Future Today

Hiring the wrong person is more than just a financial risk—it’s a security threat. Pilum Defense Agency provides the insights you need to make informed, confident decisions.

"Very informative! They guys are very easy to talk to and the information provided was absolutely easy to comprehend!"

Anthony Nguyen

"Best Defence and Security company around ! !! Growing bigger every day."

Larry Gallegos